Why Route 66 & Beyond?
I turned 50 this year. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything; perhaps just some sort of lame justification for the crazy things I've done lately. Or the crazy things, planned and otherwise, that I'll do throughout the remainder of the year. Not exactly a midlife crisis since 50 is probably well beyond midlife, and I'm not in crisis mode - I'm actually pretty happy with the way things are in my life. Nonetheless, if I'm to accomplish all of these insane and inane acts before I turn 51, I'd better get crackin'. Next on my list is an 8,000 mile (more or less) road trip. I began thinking about this long before I turned 50, but each time I brought it up Sue would just look at me like I'd suddenly gone mad; at least in part because I kept inviting her to go with me. "What makes you think I want to travel 8,000 miles in a car with you?", she would ask incredulously. And I would sheepishly shrug, putting my trip on the back burner until...