Amarillo Again

Day 7:  0 Miles
Total: 2,154 Miles

Well we got the bad news today. The '37 is going to require a significant amount of work to make it roadworthy. The radiator didn't just break; there was a structural build problem that needs attention so it doesn't recur. And since the mechanic is going to be in there anyway, why not take care of a few other issues? So the car is going to be out of commission at least through Friday, and maybe the weekend.

We rented a car today, a Ford Focus. Not exactly as cool as the '37, but probably a bit more reliable. We've decided to do part of the remaining miles of Route 66, but we realize we won't have time to do all of it. So tomorrow it will be Tucumcari, NM and one of my favorite motels anywhere, The Blue Swallow. For today though, we had already rented the Courtyard room for two nights so we decided to explore Amarillo a bit. Crocodile Lile volunteered to be tour guide and took us around town in his 1964 1/2 Mustang convertible. We had a great time, and we also visited his art studio on 6th Street NW, which was also Route 66 once upon a time. Following our tour, Sharon and I went to buy two cans of spray paint and headed out to the Cadillac Ranch to practice our artwork. Turns out we're pretty talented! I only took a few pictures today, so here are a couple of them.

Amarillo, like many cities along Route 66, has lots of classic old motels in various stages of disrepair. The Triangle Motel is a great example of one of these beauties. The exterior is in good shape though the grounds are not. The owner is apparently in the process of restoring the motel, but it's hard to tell much about his progress at this point. Check out the carports next to each room. This place could be amazing again with enough time, money and effort.

One of the two motel signs is apparently owned by the neighbor. She claims she was offered $30,000 for this one. I'm not an expert on old neon signs with the neon missing, but I'm not thinkin' so.

 A cool bowling alley sign in front of a still-operating business.

And here is our gracious host and friend, Crocodile Lile. If you're ever in Amarillo be sure to check out his studio.



Unknown said…
Hi Mike and Sharon. sorry you are having so much trouble with your car. I'm printing your journey out to send to Bea since she doesn't have a computer. Love you both. Happy trails to you.....Aunt Mona

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